
Crafting Your Story From the Inside Out


The great motivational leader, Napolean Hill said, "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

The key points are -- "conceive and believe."  You need a vision to conceive.  You need a positive mindset to believe.

Yet -- there is something more that you need before you reach the "achieve"...  

Something that's crucial in taking that final leap to success.

You need to continually work on your beliefs.  Your mindset.

Most of us have about 60,000 thoughts running subconsciously through our minds, and about 80% of those thoughts are negative!  Isn't that unreal?

We're only aware of a limited number of those thoughts, and if we want to get to our goals, we need to ,,,

FOCUS - FOCUS - FOCUS on what you WANT to achieve.

"Where focus goes, energy flows," says Tony Robbins.

As a Story Empowerment Coach and Mindset Mastery Coach, I help cause-focused leaders and nonprofit organizations tell their stories effectively to build their growth.

It's starts with our inner story.

To be at my best, I practice what I preach.  I start each day with a "Miracle Morning" series of personal development exercises.  Thanks to Hal Elrod, who survived two near death experiences, and the creator of the Miracle Morning, I've been living more consciously -- with a "best-day-ever" attitude. 

Hal's transformational story is shared in a documentary and book, touching the lives of countless people around the world.  Here are Hal's tips to transform your life in six steps... getting up earlier than your usual time, and using the acronym SAVERS.

S - Silence (Meditation)

A - Affirmations (Repeating positive statements)

V - Visualization

E - Exercise

R - Reading

S - Scribing (journaling)

Once you give to yourself, you can then be in a positive mindset to accomplish your goals.

To help others make the most of their positive stories, I encourage them to be willing to be vulnerable.  To share what's in their heart.  To know their stories have value.

As I write, I think about the energy of my words, and how my words will touch the lives of others. 

Given the bombardment of negative media, I feel it's crucial for more of us to share positive stories -- to uplift, inspire, and transform our world.  We must rise above the chaos, the anger, the depression... because the next generation is counting on us!

To make the most of one of our family's most transformative experiences, I've written a new children's story, 'ADVENTURES IN ECUADOR:  Diary of a Volunteer."  I first had to conceive of this story.  As a writer, it was natural for me to want to write about it.  I wrote articles that got published locally.  In my mind, I could conceive that our experience would make a great kid's story.  The next step is -- Believe.   I had to believe I could make this happen.  That took longer than the actual writing.  I'm still believing and moving forward on faith and perseverance that this book will become an Amazon best-seller.  

Before we get to "ACHIEVE," I'm asking for your help.  To do anything well, it takes a team.  I'm building my team to make this engaging story into a published success.   

I'd be grateful if you'd consider being a sponsor.  You will receive my gifts of gratitude for being a part of this project too.


Any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated. 

Remember -- you make a difference... and you get to choose the difference you want to make!




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