
Welcome and Announcements

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You are invited to join this private community for free as a "Networker" member and connect with other members. This is a safe place for peer-to-peer networking and support. We do not allow selling or pushing political or religious positions. We work together to provide more good to the world.

There are other memberships available for high achievers. You can register to become a "Nonprofit Basics" member to gain access to exclusive content for growing your skills building your team and attracting more revenue. Then you can apply to become an "Influencer" member to gain access to live networking, masterminds, workshops, and next-level content and support. 

The Nonprofit Exchange Interviews

Write Like a Thought Leader - Now with AI
Moving from Conversation to Action: Funding Solutions to Empower Teens
Dealing with Workplace Conflict
Unveiling the Veil: Debunking Myths and Uncovering Truths in Nonprofit HR Practice
Unveiling the Veil: Debunking Myths and Uncovering Truths in Nonprofit HR Practice
Mission Driven, Not Superhuman
Breaking Down Barriers and Bias for Women in Leadership
Join Scott Murray and Hugh Ballou for this amazing leadership Event in Dallas, TX

A little miracle story

I'd like to take this moment to share an inspiring story.  

A true story about a little miracle... happening right in our home.

It's the story of an amaryllis bulb,  Hidden away for at least a year., it has grown despite the odds.

You see, I received this "bulb in a box" as a gift from my dear friend, the late Reverend Kathy Dale McNair,                                                                                                       who passed away last…

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A true miracle story

I'd like to share a true miracle story.

It's the story of an amaryllis bulb, hidden away for at least a year... that has grown despite the odds.

You see, I received this "bulb in a box" as a gift from my dear friend, the late Reverend Kathy Dale McNair, who passed away last November from ALS.   Kathy was one of my closest friends, beloved by so many people.

At the time -- while she could still speak -- she urged me to plant the…

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Become a Better Leaders

Become a Better Leader in 31 Days


Kolleen Chesley is now a member of SynerVisionCommunity
Jun 26
Dr. Janet Smith Warfield liked Dr. Janet Smith Warfield's video
Jun 21
Dr. Janet Smith Warfield posted a video
Apr 23
Dr. Janet Smith Warfield posted a video
Apr 9
David James Dunworth posted photos
Apr 2
Lynn Bogen Sanders posted a status
Please join me in this bestseller launch by getting the FREE ebook copy of my children's story today or tomorrow. (March 28-30th). You'll be helping build compassion, self-esteem, unity and philanthropy among youth.…
Mar 29
Lynn Bogen Sanders posted a photo
Mar 7
Lynn Bogen Sanders posted a status
Wonderful news! I just completed the formatted children's picture book, "Adventures In Ecuador: Diary of a Volunteer." This story, based on a true experience of our family's volunteer healthcare mission to Ecuador, is intended to build…
Mar 7

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March 2023 Updates


How Can I Make The Most of 2024?

Happy New Year!The year just swept by, didn't it?Have you been reflecting on how to make the most of the new year?What intentions do you have?Do you have an accountability partner to support you on your journey? So many of us get stuck in negative thoughts about what we can achieve, based on our past.We aren't our past.  We are whatever we choose to think about ourselves.  Our potential is limitless.We can choose to envision a future that aligns with our dreams.  I've been focusing on living…

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Empty Schools and Pack the Prisons!

Today, I learned a shocking fact!As Chicago's west side schools are being closed with inadequate resources, the cost to incarcerate people in those communities has risen to over $1 BILLION!As a long-time friend with Chicago's community leader and activist, Pastor Jacqueline Reed, I'm honored to be part of her effort to spread the news, and bring more justice to the educational system in Chicago.I'd like to share the press release from Chicago's Every Block A Village, that was just released…

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Could Music bring Peace to the Planet?

A Prayer for the World? We really need that now!Could music bring peace to Ukraine? To Israel? To Gaza? To our planet?Listen and learn, October 10, 2023, at Noon EDT, as Dr. Janet Smith Warfield, Word Energy Alchemist, and A.J. Goodwin, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Paul Lloyd Warner Foundation, explore using music to bring peace into your own life.Then, please, please, please, gift your own inner peace out to all whom you meet today.https://boldbravetv.com/watch-us-live-now/

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